
00:38 History of Avila Soccer Summer Camps
01:48 Managing sessions
03:10 Tips on how to manage age groups, Importance of dividing kids by age and ability
06:42 Mental Endurance
11:30 Sales, handing out flyers

Sociology at Avila Soccer

14:40 Sociology at Avila Soccer intro
17:30 Teaching drills with more unit play and creative soccer
20:05 Mad House: ending the session with a big finish using fun, participative drills, and having kids interact with each other
22:00 4 qualities of kids’ sports games

Operational Procedues

24:26 Cleaning
25:30 Asking for time off
27:53 Turning AC and fan on/off
28:24 Show up 15 minutes early before shift starts
28:48 Trainer dress code

Management of Large Groups

29:55 Management of large groups intro
31:11 Using volunteer skills trainers
32:06 Solitary versus interactive sessions

Management of Large Groups

34:24 4-man drill called “Barcelona”
38:11 3-man weave
38:44 4-man drill called “Side-ways on”
40:13 4-man drill with a migrating diamond
44:00 3-man drill
45:22 Tiki-taka
46:10 3-man drill with an overlapping run
46:53 4-man trap/switch drill
48:03 5-man drill

How to teach Scrimmaging

50:05 Running up and down as a unit
52:55 Overlapping

Skills and Tricks

56:50 Passing
59:12 Penguin Pulls
59:58 Penguin Pull Roll
1:01:15 Happy Birthday
1:02:25 Nevermind
1:03:27 Half Tornado
1:03:57 Full Tornado
1:04:14 Abyss
1:05:11 Wrap-around
1:05:57 Hoakie Poakie
1:06:25 Hoakie Poakie with Hop Skip
1:07:17 Cyclone
1:08:09 Tsunami
1:08:22 Abel doing various skills/tricks
1:18:35 Black Hole

How to teach Shooting Mechanics

1:09:46 How to teach Shooting intro
1:10:18 Point of contact
1:12:18 90-degree angle
1:14:11 Sole to the ceiling
1:15:56 Point of contact drill
1:16:55 Shooting in action


End Zone

CATEGORY: Unit Play Drills with Scoring
PURPOSE: Switching the point of attack, Triangular play, 1v1 skills, one-touch play
  • First receiver must one touch
  • Second receiver must be selfish
  • The stealer of the ball must minimize touch
  • Receivers must be spaced deeply in the end zone
  • Receiver may not attempt to prevent goals
  • Nobody can go in the end zone from the team unless they have the ball
  • Team can not score goal until the ball is live
  • Ball is not live until stealer has passed the ball to receiver of their choice (who will be known as the first receiver) run to the spot where the 1st receiver has received the ball. And subsequently the first receiver has passed the ball across the end zone to the second receiver – and also run across to take the spot of the second reciever – who has dribbled in to try and score
  • If someone from the opposite team touches the ball – must make it live again
  • Goals should be made wide with goalies allowed for advanced teams. Goalies can only save shots. To save on running another way to score is to have the players dribble to the goal and stop it

Always & Only

CATEGORY: Unit Play Drills with Scoring
PURPOSE: Stop players from bunching up, teaches pass and move, forces players to watch more than one teammate at once
  • There must always be a player in the end zone
  • There can only be one player in the end zone at a time
  • The end zone is a safe place where the opposite team cannot enter unless they have the ball
  • The player in the end zone cannot leave the end zone unless: a) they pass the ball laterally as a teammate is running in b) dribble it out as a teammate is running in c) pass it out then run as long as another teammate is running in
  • Focus the drill on letter A at first
  • The goal should be large to encourage scoring
  • If more than player is in the end zone for more than a count of 2 Mississippi, that is known as a two-man violation
  • If all players exit the end zone leaving it vacant for 1 Mississippi, that is a violation too
  • Players may not hover on the line between the end zone and the free pushing area
  • Coaches must encourage “in and out” vocally

Transition Grid

CATEGORY: Unit Play Drills with Scoring
PURPOSE: Transition from offense to defense, aggressive play, tactical awareness
  • Teams score when players string consecutive passess together (say 5 depends on the level)
  • One player must charge over to the other side to try and steal the ball back to his team’s side
  • The team in possession of the ball must use their numerical advantage to not let one player from the other team touch the ball
  • The coach is the key. He must have all the soccer balls by his feet
  • Engage the parents to shag balls and get them over to the coaches feet
  • The coach must roll the ball into play, not throw it
  • The coach must judge when the play is over and yell “ball” as he starts the next play on the other side when: a) the team in possession has let it go out b) the one player from the other team has kicked it out c) the team in possession is making poor passing decisions
  • If the team in possession begins to rack up points or simply is tiring out the one player from the other team, the other team may yell “switch” and send a fresh defender.
  • Then faster the teams switch from offense to defense, or possession to high pressuring, the better the level of play of that team. This time lag or quick reaction time is the fierce difference between elite teams and rec teams)


PURPOSE: Hone technique, communication skills and add life to this session
  • Divide the field into four sections
  • Don’t let the kids partner up–you do the partnering
  • Don’t allow kids to whine if put with someone they don’t like, call them out in it
  • Don’t play more than 3 to 4 rounds of the game, because some of the groups that never win begin to feel an identity as a loser
  • Start each subsequent round very quickly, don’t allow the kids to think about the last round
  • Explain the partnered task quickly and clearly and demand everyone’s attention first
  • Adjust task by level