Homeschool Academy

Morning Skills Program & Curriculum Progression

Our Homeschool Academy features Specialty Skills with curriculums that are proven winners, coupled with progress monitoring. Our goal is not only development, but to surprise your child each and every time they attend. Join us for an amazing opportunity to learn specialty soccer skills that will enhance your level of play and make you more effective on the field! Our classes are designed to fill in the gaps where your current skills are lacking, making you a better, more valuable player all around.

Core Subjects

shooting mechanics specialty
passing receiving specialty

Progress Monitoring

We will monitor your progress using a levels guide over several categories which will be scored

Players’ progress will be monitored. Learn how through Levels and our Points Guide


3 Month Duration

Spring & Fall only
Rolling 3 month enrollment
Holiday weeks maybe made up


$300 – once a week
Enrollment requires a 3-month commitment

Siblings can train free of charge!

Program includes

3 Months of Skills Training
3 Months of Progress Monitoring

Days & Times

9:00 AM – 10:30 PM


Anderson Mill