Tune-up for Try-outs

The Tune-up for Try-outs is a 2-month customized curriculum that focuses on how try-outs work. Includes what to expect at try-outs, standing out (how to bring attention to your abilities), sport ethics–unwritten codes of the game that coaches expect, and leadership–body language and mindset of a competitor.

Program Descriptions

4 Private Lessons

Offers custom development through 1-on-1 instruction from a trainer. In this class, players strengthen core fundamentals while addressing areas for improvement.Read more »

4 Scrimmage Classes

Level-specific tactical program. Multiple position specific coaches will be on the field to deconstruct game situations.Read more »

Unlimited Skills Classes

Players can choose from a wide array of Skills classes and attend up to 1.5 hours daily as long as players are within their age group.View Skills Schedule »

Performance Tracking

Active players receive continuous feedback on various soccer topics at scheduled intervalsRead more »

Purchase Tune-up for Try-outs

These packages can only be purchased once per player only.

2 Months