• Home / Spring Schedule and Safety Protocols

Updated on January 6, 2021, 11:42 am.

Spring Schedule

January 4–May 14, 2021
We are capping classes at 15 players per class until further notice. Avila facilities can have up to 25 people for purposes of waiting in between classes or to be picked up in lobby and still stay at 25% capacity but parents are urged to make plans to be prompt. Schedule is subject to change .
Private Lessons can be scheduled throughout the day based on senior trainer availability.

Speed & Agility Warm-up

Core Strength Warm-up

Anderson Mill






Anderson Mill - Scrimmage Sundays

*Only available through Winter Immersion










Round Rock






South Austin






Updated on May 21, 2021, 9:13 am.

Safety Protocols

Avila Soccer is committed to safeguarding the health of our players, trainers and staff. As we monitor Covid-19, we want to keep you informed about what Avila Soccer is doing to prevent the spread in our facilities.
Avila Soccer will continue to implement protocols in efforts to keep the soccer community safe.

Wall-mounted Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispensers

Each facility will be equipped with wall-mounted Purell hand sanitizer dispensers. Please encourage your children to use often (as they enter the facility and when they leave).

Hygiene Practices

Restrooms will have hand soaps and everyone is encourage to wash their hands regularly. Signs will be posted displaying the correct way to sneeze into ones own arm for anyone with allergies.

Limited Facility Access

All facilities will be limited to 25% capacity (25 people total in each facility). To curb the spread of germs and control group size, we will be requiring drop-off and pick-up of players only. Parents will be asked to not enter the facilities unless under certain instances:
Requests can be made by texting 512.838.3892. Parents entering the facilities must wear a mask and will be subject to temperature checks.


Avila is encouraging players to bring their own water bottles to camp.

Protective Masks

Players: are required to wear masks when entering the facility, not training, in the lobby, using the restrooms.
Trainers: are required to wear masks at all times while in facility.
Parents/Guardians: If allowed to enter the facility, parents/guardians are required to wear masks at all times while at the facility.

Open Doors and Garage Bays

Doors will be propped open so players do not have to touch the doors. If outdoor temperature is 45º or higher, facilities with garage bay doors will remain wide open, so dress appropriately.

Cleaning & Sanitizing items

There will be increased time in cleaning and sanitizing balls, surfaces, and high-touch areas.

Waiting Area

We have altered the schedule to make sure players are grouped by age groups. There are specific times per age group and we are asking that players be on time for the classes the signed up for. Once their session is over, players must be picked up by their parents so the facilities can stay at 25% capacity.
We understand that there may be situations where parents will be running late. If this occurs, your child/ren will be asked to sit in a designated waiting area until they are picked up.
*South Austin & Anderson Mill facilities have two entry doors to the lobby, please take notice of which one is marked entry and which one is marked exit.

Turf Sanitizing

Avila Soccer will be spraying and sanitizing its fields four times more than originally scheduled.

Covid-19 Info

Visit The Centers for Disease Control website for more information on the Coronavirus, including what you should know about symptoms, treatments, testing, and other frequently asked questions.