Trick Juggling
Hey, lets not forget the fun! This class promotes “two-footedness” and creative potential. We’ll dare to deconstruct clever, artistic maneuvers that have been attempted and honed by both “playground legends” and famous professional players alike.
Check Avila's own Coach Yasin
This whimsical class addresses the age old soccer dilemma–how do pick the ball up if you can’t use your hands? Pop-ups is about doing just that, but with flair and confidence of a BALLER, using feet in creative ways to kick start juggling.
Sending a message to all who are present, that “Hey, I’m for realz!!!” You wouldn’t believe the original ways kids think of to pop the ball up. Parent’s–keep your wuss flies, it’s worth watching the entire class for artistry on display alone!
Juggling for your Record
The art of juggling is endlessly creative. But for some, simply counting is the fun part and the science of juggling is what attracts them.
We thought we’d join in too, and help such players build on that sense of attainment they experience with this activity, by empowering them with clever tips and ideas about juggling technique that they may have overlooked!
The Mechanics of Juggling
Let’s just state, that if your beginner player can only do 2-3 juggles, or if your somewhat elite player cannot even do 10 juggles, then you are already aware that the repetition involved in juggling is no easy feat.
There are universal mechanics principles involved. For starters, the ball is falling at 9.8 m/s squared. The squared part is what makes it tough, and basically means gravity is an acceleration formula. Therefore, to master this skill, you have to alter the weight that you apply to the technique based on how long it’s been in the air. For that reason, juggling is special because it’s the one skill that also teaches touch (or weight), not to mention two-footedness.
As a player keeps putting in the time to juggle, something amazing happens. The synapses in the brain begins the fire faster and the ball begins to look larger and as if it’s moving slower. So, juggling is a sort of occupational therapy sensory integration disorder. The better a player can juggle, the better their skills become, because the brain slows down the ball for the athlete smoothing out the execution of
many other crucial soccer skills. For this reason, many coaches at tryouts use the juggling record as the benchmark as a way of knowing what level a player may be at.
it’s not everyday you beat your juggling record, but through this class we have set aside a time for guided assistance. Let’s go for it together, no matter what the number may be!
This class is for
Soccer Tennis
We’re keeping it interesting but practical with this hybrid sport commonly called Soccer Tennis. It can be played in many different ways–as singles, doubles, in threes or fours, or larger groups–especially if a real soccer ball is used.
Many different objects can serve as a net. If no objects are available then two grids can be laid out separated by a dead zone. The number of bounces and touches can be adjusted. The serve can be changed from a service from hand to kicking it off of the ground. The game is a great replacement to juggling.
Limitations according to age and ability can really make it interesting. One favorite rule is when we place a garbage can at the back of either side of the court/field. Any team that gets the ball over the net and also in that can automatically wins the match, even if they were losing desperately! You can imagine the drama.
Many techniques such as receiving the ball in the air, heading, juggling, volleys etc., all get practiced during the natural course of any Soccer Tennis game. Players gain insight as they strategize and contemplate questions: Can the team in possession move their opponents into a poor position? Do they strike at the right time and play safely when needed? Can the defenders read their opponents intentions and counter them?
What’s best is how the game encourages both communication and cohesion in a fun climate: Do the players work well as a team? Do they complement one another or do they play as individuals? Can the players relate to the ball, its flight, bounces and speed? In other words, the soccer problems are similar to those in a match. The pressure of time is real. Both teams have goals and must think of attacking and defending. While it is not soccer, it is soccer like.