Emerging Score


100 Points

A theoretical score that represents the minimum Game Level the player should expect to be at in the near future. What makes it unique, is that it’s a computed score based on parts and not one overall performance. It does this by separating the three components that make up any performance:

  • Skills Score
  • Soccer IQ Score
  • Competitive Zeal Score

A trainer will laser focus on just one of the three measures on a given day, then pick another component to score the next time.

Results from different days are continually being added up. As new results are recorded, the Emerging Score keeps getting re-tallied.

The trend constantly “Emerging” is a prediction of the minimum Game Level the player may soon expect to achieve and what aspects could push the score higher.

In the example above, the computed score of the three data points is 43, known as the Emerging Score. The 3 components are displayed one next to the other, making it easy to see which component the player needs to work on most.



Assessed on 3 separate occasions over a given period

Assessed on a single live performance

Rigorous scoring

Estimate Scoring

Based on 3 measures: Skills, Soccer IQ, and Competitive Zeal

Based on 3 measures: Skills, Soccer IQ, and Competitive Zeal

Up to 100 points

Up to 100 points

Tracks how players compare to themselves

Tracks how players compare to their peers