Shooting Mechanics Clinic

“The ball feels heavy.” “It sounds wrong.” “I keep blasting it past the crossbar.”

Footballers know very well when they’ve failed at shooting the ball. What’s much less apparent is “why.” Maybe balance is to blame. Torque is a common culprit. The plant foot always needs fixing. No matter the problem, our first-of-its-kind Shooting Mechanics Clinic puts it to bed. Sign up today, and master thy shot.

Clinic Highlights

highlights 90 win16

Cures your shooting woes

highlights 9phases win16

Perfects your form

highlights eryck win16

Teaches the clinic himself

highlights 2year win16

During off-season (Winter/Summer)

A 6-Phase Technique

Our clinic strictly adheres to our proprietary guide, which follows six critical phases we’ve deconstructed to get to the root of shooting difficulties.

technique 1

Shuffle cadence

technique 2 turning radius 2016

Draw back
Upper body length
Knee-to-shin-to-ankle-to-toe alignment

technique 3 angle release 2016

Plant foot position
Point of contact
Toe-to-heel ratio

technique 4 rotary momentum 2016

Setting the hip
Groin to knee angle
Keeping vertical alignment

technique 5 critical velocity 2016

Speed-of-stroke path
Whiplash mechanism
X and Y axis

technique 6 follow through 2016

Head/trapezius position
Stomach muscles
Heel-toe lift

“Every participant will be able to shoot a line drive by the end of the clinic.”

—Eryck Avila

Who Exactly Is This For?

Players who pass instead of shoot in front of goal
Those who haven’t been exposed to proper shooting technique
Footballers wishing to avoid rust during preseason and holidays
Elite players looking to improve their shot by 20–30 yards
Anyone who would like to score more on game day

Check out our Shooting videos

Program Details

Dates & Times

Saturday, December 9, 2023
Only happens twice a year during off-season

3:30-5:00 PM (Ages 4-7, Ages 8-11) OR
5:00-6:30 PM (Ages 8-11, Ages 12-16)


$199 (Spots Limited)


Avila Soccer
Round Rock


See how you can get the Clinic for FREE or only $50 with our Winter Immersion packages

Reserve your Spot

Please let us know what time you’ll be attending by filling out the following form

Fill out form

Master Thy Shot Today

All clinic purchases are final sales. No refunds but it is possible to get a refund if asked for 48 hours before the clinic.