Player is focused on the opponent and should instead develop the habit of tracking their own teammates movements. They do not know where their teammates are, even though they have a sense of what is going to happen next and do indeed want to engage their teammates.

Players have been taught to believe they must always go forward, constantly forcing the play. They have been made to feel that side or back passes are negative and that there’s no purpose to a possession style of play in relieving pressure.

Players believe if they pass to a teammate that they’re not likely to get the ball back, therefore keep the ball for themselves.

Players believe that they have to draw attention to themselves in order to stand out to a coach or at a tryout. They do not relinquish the ball to teammates and therefore are constantly squandering the opportunities of others and the team.

Players have not been encouraged to create passing lanes or triangles. They then only use their dribbling skills and or physical speed to break lines instead of clever, adjusted spacing.

Players may or may not be moving into the spaces that are favorable to them, but do so without a sideways-on mentality. Their hip positioning may also be stiff and hold them from success in the next play.

The player’s plant foot position and subsequent angle of release is telegraphing their intent and so they lack the ability to disguise their next move. Even though they try to make the correct passes, they get intercepted by those who read the player’s body language.

The player’s pass pacing is incorrect even though they make the right choice. They apply the incorrect amount of weight due to either panic and or not perceiving the urgency of the moment.

The player may or may not be able to read triangles and passing lanes. They lack the discipline to do the off-the-ball work needed to make those mechanisms work, this type of effort often goes unrewarded.

The player has been coached to play the way they’re facing instead of being encouraged to switch the point of attack and in either case they’ve been taught that short passes are not good.