Avila Creative Soccer wants to extend a heartfelt welcome to all One World players! We are excited to work with you this season and spark creative and competitive play across every One World team. Through free supplemental (but mandatory) training that the One World leadership has set in place, players will now have more opportunities than ever to develop the necessary skills to play brilliantly–all in the comfort of an indoor, climate-controlled field.
One World’s guide to getting free supplemental training at Avila Soccer
1. Read Guidelines
Pre-season Bootcamp attendance is mandatory
Weekly Fall Training attendance is mandatory
Creation of Avila App Account is mandatory
App Use: checking in, reporting absences/canceling classes, and informing Avila if going to be late must be practiced
2. Create an Avila App Account
An email invite will be sent to set up an Avila App Account
Parents will be able to view their child’s schedule and progress here
If you have not received an email invite to the app, please text Avila App support at 512.710.6406 and provide your name, email address, and mention OWS Training.
For instructions on how to set up an account, check in, and cancel classes, click on the following links.
Arrive 5 minutes before class starts to check-in (using your app or using the kiosks in the lobby)
By arriving early, you can get the lay of the land and get a sneak peek at an ongoing class
You’ll be participating in a 45-minute session with other players
Baselines and wristbands
After the first class, you’ll receive a Baseline (through the app) and a wristband designating your level
The wristbands must be worn every time players attend their sessions
What to bring/wear
Come in comfortable athletic wear
Players will not be subjected to the Dress Code on their first day but will be asked to wear the provided pinnie which will be returned at the end of the session
Turf shoes are preferred. Cleats and tennis shoes are acceptable. (If the topic of the day is Shooting Mechanics, shoes must be removed as the class is done barefoot)
Water bottle. There is a water fountain at the facilities to fill your bottle.
Avila Creative Soccer – Lakeway
1503 FM 620 N
Building 2, Suite D
Lakeway, TX 78734